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Susan and I were married -- and inseparable -- for 10 years before Teddy was born.
Teddy was an unexpected child. With a diagnosis of endometriosis and several attempts at correction, including medication, we were told in no uncertain terms by the fertility expert at UCLA that Susan could never become pregnant and that there was nothing that science could do to rectify the problem.
Within months of this "definitive" diagnosis, Susan became pregnant.
Conception likely took place following our romantic new year's soirée at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel on New Year's eve, 12/31/92.
Susan announced her pregnancy to me at a special dinner date that she had arranged at the elegant Hotel Kempinski in downtown Los Angeles.
Shortly afterwards I arranged for Lamaze classes with an instructor based in Beverly Hills. My job was in Rancho Cucamonga and, consequently, every I drove for one and a half hour to the class every week. Upon completion of the course, the other men in the class pronounced the "best" future father.
Susan's water broke 40 weeks, almost to the minute, from conception. I rushed her to UCLA Medical Center, where Teddy was born after several hours of effort, a dose of pitosin, then spinal anesthetic and an epiziotomy.
Photius Coutsoukis
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